Guidelines and Instructions

This website will accept contributions, naïve and sophisticated questions, from scientists as well as from laymen. For science is an open enterprise, and should concern everybody.

Scientists, students and laymen may write on what they would like to know, belabor on their vexing ignorance, topics where their curiosity is presently unsatisfied. Answers or comments will be displayed following the initial entry.

Contributions should be limited to 250 words for questions, and to 350 words for answers and commentaries.

Short communications from qualified scientists on any topic should not exceed 750 words.

The publication of all contributions is up to the discretion of the Editor and the Advisory Board.

If you would like to receive email notifications when someone contributes to a topic in the Forum, click the Subscribe option for that topic.


For example:

  • The known unknown that we know that we don’t know, e.g. the nature of universe before the big bang & beyond Plank’s barrier; the limits of the brain and its storage capacity: e.g. how many different languages can be learned and usefully used, before it decays.
  • The impossible knowledge: what we know that we are unable to know; e.g. the purpose of the universe.
  • The novel unknown; e.g. the nature of black matter or black energy.
  • The history & evolution of certainties; e.g. one gene one characteristic.
  • The realm of certitudes: a brief history of quaint certainties.
  • The certainties of the impossible; e.g. ESP, homoeopathy.
  • Naïve questions.
  • The Unknown Unknown.


For example:

  • Negative results
  • Insufficient results to warrant publication
  • Outsiders : Perplexing and outside the paradigm results
  • Predictions and Hypotheses.


For example:

  • Unbelievable proposals
  • Extraordinary frauds


When required, the site offers anonymity.

Contributors who for any reason don’t wish to display their identity may either submit their texts by email to or register and choose a display name that hides their identity.